Rainbow Sticks

6A46.26 | Fb2
PS F175
Setup Time: 
5 min
  • demonstration image
    The light enters the raindrop along the white rod and reflects once before refracting at 40 deg for violet and 42 deg for red.
  • demonstration image
    Point the white rod in the direction of the sun and swing and arc while looking along one of the colored rods.
Date Added: 
Thursday, June 10, 2004 - 12:00am

Rainbow sticks are used as a model to show sunlight reflects and then refracts to make the colors and shape of the rainbow.


Watch the ten minute tutorial CD to see Paul Hewitt teach this lesson.
Screw the colored rods into the color coded holes.
Show that light enters the rain drop and reflects once before it refracts 40 deg for violet and 42 deg for red.
Look along the colored rod and point out that the light (represent by the white rod) actually comes from behind you.
With the white rod pointing where the sun is presumed to be have the rainbow sticks swing an arc for the characteristic rainbow shape.
Point out that no two people see the same rainbow.

To explain how reflection and refraction of light make up the colors and the shape of the rainbow.

blue ball with three holes (red, white & violet)
red rod
violet rod
white rod
Rainbow Sticks Tutorial CD (Hewitt)