Accelerated PASCO Cart


This demonstration illustrates Newton's Second Law of Motion using two different setups involving dynamics carts on a track. The first setup is a modified Atwood's machine, where a Pasco cart is placed on a track and pulled by a falling mass over a pulley. The falling mass provides a constant force that accelerates the cart. By measuring the time it takes for the cart to travel a certain distance, students can observe how the force applied by the falling mass causes the cart to accelerate. This setup demonstrates the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, reinforcing the concept that acceleration is directly proportional to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

In the second version, a fan is attached to the cart, which provides variable speeds. As the fan blows air, it creates a force that accelerates the cart along the track. By adjusting the speed of the fan, students can explore how changes in the applied force affect the acceleration of the cart. Both versions effectively showcase Newton's Second Law, emphasizing the role of net force and mass in determining the acceleration of an object.
