Comparing the weight of a mass hung from a single spring scale to the weight shown on a spring scale between two masses over pulleys demonstrates the principle of tension in a string. When a mass is hung from a single spring scale, the scale directly measures the gravitational force acting on the mass. In a setup with two masses over pulleys and a spring scale in between, the tension in the string remains constant throughout, showing the same reading on the scale, illustrating how tension distributes forces equally along the string regardless of the number of masses.
Two Weights or One
Preparation Time
30 minutes
Preparation & Instructions
- Requires a 40 N or 100 N force scale
- Make sure force scale is calibrated so that it reads 20 N when there is a 2 kg mass on it (and 40 N when there are 4 kg on it)
- Make sure the extra string is tied to the left side (when facing the front of the demo), for presentation purposes